What is SleepTalk® for Children?
SleepTalk® is an auto-suggestion technique to speak with the subconscious mind while children sleep.
You can also read more about SleepTalk® in the SleepTalk® FAQs page
The Goulding SleepTalk® for Children Process was developed in the 1970s, empowers parents to improve and balance their child’s behaviour. The dramatic positive change and calmness it creates permeate throughout the entire family. It’s for parents looking for a simple, non-intrusive way to develop a child’s emotional resilience, building the mind’s firewall, protecting it against negative suggestions. It’s been called: “The two minute gift with changes that last a lifetime.” It’s easy to learn, and takes parents only two minutes at bedtime, and it cannot be done wrong. It’s absolutely safe, ethical and positive. Parents and health care professionals have called the Process a powerful self-help program which parents and childcare professionals have been using for more than 35 years. They endorse it because it WORKS, helping to reduce anxiety and stress, developing a positive self-confidence, empowering children to manage, improve and balance their behaviour, anxiety and relationships.
Michelle’s Story — How SleepTalk® came about
Joane Goulding developed the Goulding SleepTalk® for Children Process when her daughter, Michelle, was a small child. Michelle had severe intellectual and physical disabilities, and Joane was advised by “experts” to leave her in Kew Cottages which was a large Melbourne institution for people with disabilities, (now closed) and forget about her. As far as Joane and her late husband Jim were concerned, this just wasn’t an option. But what were they to do to enable Michelle to enjoy the most happy and positive life possible? Nothing existed! Before Joane had researched and created the Goulding SleepTalk® for Children Process, Michelle had become an aggressive, angry person and very difficult for the family to live with.
The strategies Joane applied, day after day, over many months that created changed behaviours are described fully in Joane’s book, SleepTalk®. The results, though not quick, were simply astounding. Today, Michelle is in her forties, married and though she still has an IQ of around 45, she attends a local TAFE College (Technical and Further Education), manages her own home, and she and her husband save their hard-earned income to take regular holidays in Australia and overseas. For Michelle, every day is a happy day, and she always does her best.
Since those challenging days, Joane has refined, improved and taught the Goulding SleepTalk® Process, and thousands of families have experienced the joy of happy, confident children who are making the most of their lives, where there had been shy, anxious, aggressive and sad.
The Goulding SleepTalk® for Children Process is an alternative and substance-free self-help process for parents coping with a challenging child.
Sometimes a lack of knowledge, assistance and/or family support can cause parents to doubt their parenting abilities, feel misunderstood and on a merry-go-round of endless consultations and dead ends. This process is about presenting a substance-free, safe, non- intrusive and ethical process for parents to use in the safety and comfort of their own home while their child or children are asleep and it’s easy to apply.
SleepTalk® is for every parent who wants their children to reach their full potential, and to re-affirm their love to their children.
SleepTalk® is about teaching parents to work with their own children while they sleep and when they awaken children have a more positive mind set. It only takes parents about 2 minutes per evening and the changes last for life. Parents talk – children listen – waking up bright and happy. Positive feedback has been received for issues dealing with aggression, behaviour management, stress, fear, anxiety and trauma. The process is particularly helpful when dealing with issues around education and study, co-operation and concentration. Health issues also respond in a positive manner, such as asthma, bed-wetting, nail biting and speech. It also covers and assists families concerned about sibling rivalry and negative communications.
SleepTalk® is about developing a child’s emotional resilience and self esteem.
SleepTalk® allows the subconscious mind of a child to redefine its belief structure and accept alternate positive suggestions, which upon awakening becomes their truth and reality. Not all children need this process but it’s a given that they will all benefit from it. SleepTalk® gives children the best possible start in life of feeling loved, lovable and confident within themselves.
Benefits of the SleepTalk® for Children Process:
- It empowers parents to help their children to achieve self-confidence and inner strength.
- It empowers parents to give their children positive suggestions to help with general and specific issues in their lives.
- It is a safe, ethical and non-intrusive process suitable for any family and lasts for life.
- Children’s healthcare professionals have been using the Goulding SleepTalk® process for over 40 years.
- There are no contraindications with this process – you can do no harm.
- Gives parents a second chance to undo the possible harm caused by unkind words they may have said to their children during a busy day.
It Can Help Children with the Following Issues and More:
- Being hyperactive, hard to control, nervous, agitated or explosive
- Experiencing separation anxiety, fearfulness or general lack of confidence
- Fighting with siblings or being aggressive with others
- Having trouble sleeping or experiencing nightmares
- Being stuck in habits like bedwetting or nail biting
- Struggling academically, labeled with learning disabilities, Autism/Asperger
- Feeling troubled about parental separation or other issues at home
SleepTalk® has been successful in resolving all the issues mentioned above, sometimes in as a little as a few days, and has been used effectively by thousands of families around the world over the last 40 years since its founders, Joane and Jim Goulding, developed the process for their daughter Michelle, with astounding results.
This very simple 2 minute a night SleepTalk® process will create everything that it promises if you do it exactly as instructed and stick with it.
Disclaimer: It must be stated that when introducing the Goulding Sleeptalk® for Children Process, some families found that their child did not respond as had been hoped for or expected. However, upon investigating why, it was discovered that the process had not been correctly followed. Help is readily available to assist parents to achieve the results required for their children.
It is Essential the Process is followed to the letter.